gear loan
rental options available!
Our Instrument and Gear Loan program allows anyone to rent instruments and related gear for practice and/or performance.
don’t have the gear you need?
Omaha Girls Rock believes it is important to make music accessible for everyone! Our Instrument and Gear Loan program allows ANYONE to rent our instruments/equipmet for a period of time for practice and/or performance. Please see below for more information and start renting today!
Volunteers serving at least 10 hours/year are eligible for free rental!
Omaha Girls Rock equipment is delicate! Special care will need to be taken to protect it. Renter must agree to accept full financial responsibility for its replacement value of the gear/instrument should the equipment be broken, lost, stolen or, in Omaha Girls Rock’s estimation, irreparably damaged during the period that it is loaned to my child/ward. If the equipment is not returned by the agreed upon return date, the end of the current program season or upon leaving the program, it will be considered lost and I will have full financial responsibility for the full replacement value. Additionally, the renter agrees not to permit anyone else to use the equipment during the time period that it is signed out in my name.
After your application is submitted, an OGR staffer will follow up with you to set up a pick up/deliver time and issue a rental agreement (adult/parent/guardian signature required).
Limited quantity of gear available. We do not rent out gear during the summer while camp is in effect.